Apr 28, 2020
Wish you could re-program your brain? Today I’m teaching you the very simple recipe to do just that - all it takes is practice. Plus Sira Laurel joins me to talk about why curiosity helps you move past blocks in your career and projects, and how to create more of it.
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Apr 21, 2020
Many of us get derailed by guilt and waste time on tasks that aren’t that important. What if you could easily stay focused on your main priorities instead? Join me as I talk with Ken Struys about how to do exactly that. After that we’ll fix a common problem when creating thought models.
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Apr 14, 2020
We often think that trust is something our co-workers have to earn. But trust is an emotion, meaning we create it for ourselves from how we choose to think. Today Emily and Alison Moses, Director of Business IT at HomeServe, talk about trust. Learn why we have to trust our reports if we want them to grow (and how to...
Apr 7, 2020
Choosing our thoughts intentionally lets us choose how we experience our life. It lets us create any results we want. And it lets us choose how we’re going to feel. For most of us, empathy is our first experience with intentionally trying on new thoughts, by seeing a situation through the perspective of another...
Apr 3, 2020
Everything we want, we want because of how we think it will make us feel. But the truth is that our own thoughts are the only things that can create our emotions. Join me as I talk with Jill Wetzler, Head of Engineering at Pilot, about what makes it easy for her to feel validation and how she creates an environment that...