May 26, 2020
The key to reaching your goals is to stop trying to distract yourself from emotional experiences you’re not comfortable with. That’s much, much easier when you know what an emotion is. Join me today to talk about what an emotion is, why you like some and hate others, and how to get more comfortable with all of them...
May 22, 2020
It’s time to stop beating yourself up. Many of us spend our lives being mean to ourselves, justifying it as helpful or realistic. But it actually steals our dreams. Today we’re talking about why we beat up on ourselves, why it holds us back, and how to finally break the habit.
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May 14, 2020
Big things come from small steps. Learn how to take small steps every day to create clear vision, stop distracting yourself, and take massive action (which isn't the same as big action!).
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May 6, 2020
Anger is an emotion many of us are uncomfortable feeling at work -- but turning it off hinders our ability to fix important problems and feel the biggest positive emotions. Join me and Vivien Yang from Eventbrite as we talk about the benefits and challenges of anger. Plus I’ll teach you how to allow strong emotions so...